랩용 분무건조기KLSD-1500 랩용저온분무건조기KLSD-2000 신형랩용분무건조기 KLSD-500S
중형랩용분무건조기KLSD-3000 소형분무건조기KRSD/KTSD/KMSD 회전식분무건조기KLSD-25/50
New Lab spray dryer KLSD-500S / 신형 랩용분무건조기 KLSD-500S

- 조립 완성품의 디자인이 정밀하고, 실험실안에 독립적으로 설치가 가능하며 본체 및 건조챔버등 대부분이 스테인레스 스틸로 설계 제작되었다.

- 콤프레샤외에는 모두 일체식으로 제작되었으며, 별도의 장치없이 바로 사용이 가능하다 .

- 작업시 전원을 켜고 LCD터치스크린으로 조작하며, 자동으로 혹은 수동으로 작업과정을 채택할 수 있고, 조작과 실험 과정의 감독을 편리하게 한다.


소형 실험실 분무기의 건조 주요 특징

- LCD터치스크린으로 조작하며 자동, 수동 콘트롤로 원하는대로 작동할 수가 있다.

- 전자동 통제: 전원스위치를 켜고, 분무 건조작업 매개 변수를 설정한 후, 온도는 예약 온도에 도달하면, 연동 운동 펌프가 작동 시작되며, 터치스크린 위에 운행 동영상을 나타내고, 운행 공정은 스크린에 표시된다. 전원을 차단하면 기계가 자동으로 안전하게 정지한다.

- 수동 통제: 만약 실험 과정에 작업 매개 변수에 대해 조정을 하여야 하고, 편리하게 수동 상태로 교체할 수 있고, 전체 실험 과정의 LCD 터치스크린에 과정이 표시된다.


- 분무, 건조 및 수집 시스템은 SUS304 재질의 재료를 채택하여 제조하고, 분무 건조과정이 오염이 없고 가장 안정된 환경 아래에서 진행하며, 모든 부품은 쉽게 분해 조립할 수가 있다.

- 오일리스 콤프레셔를 채택하여 외부에 설치연결 하였고, 분무한 방울은 바로 정상분포가 되며, 유동성은 대단히 좋다, 게다가 소음이 60db정도로 낮아 실험실 소음 기준에 작합하다.

- 이류체노즐 분무의 분무 방식과 스테인레스 스틸로 정밀설계하여 제조하고, 설계는 치밀하고, 사용이 편리하고, 반영구적이다.

- 사용자의 실험 조건 범위를 만족시키는 것을 위하여 각종 매개 변수의 요구를 조절하고

샘플의 순도를 유지하기 위해서, 공기를 필터링하여 송풍한다.

- 원료 분무량은 연동 운동 펌프 조절을 통해서, 최소의 샘플량 30ml정도로 할 수가 있으며 자기교반기를 옵션으로 선택할 수 있다.

- 건조 후의 완제품 분체의 과립 정도는 비교적 균등하다.  

- 다양한 이류체 노즐의 선택으로 과립의 세밀도를 조절할 수가 있다(옵션).

- 점성이 있는 재료에 대해 노즐이 막히면 제거기능이 있어서 막혀 질 때, 제거할 수 있고, 주파수 변환을 하여 분무을 조절할 수가 있다.


기술 매개 변수

전자동과 수동 통제의 이중의 통제 모델과, 전체 실험 과정의 LCD 터치스크린 동향은 작업과정을 실시간 통제한다 .

LCD터치스크린 매개 변수 표시: 급기열풍온도 /연동콤프레셔 회전 속도/공기 송풍량/노즐 주파수

Technical data:

Power: 1500W 220V 60Hz
Min.Outlet Temperature: 80

Capacity: 500ml/h
Airflow: 0~330m3/h

Max. Inlet air Temperature: 200
Heater Power: 1500W

Precision of temperature: ± 1
Spray system: two liquid nozzle (0.5/0.7/1.0/1.5/2.0mm)

Possible particle size range: 1-25µm

Operation mode: Automatic/Manual

Minimum sample volume: 30ml

Spraγ chamber material: SUS304 Stainless steel

Cyclone separator 16 material: SUS304 Stainless steel

Receiving tank material: SUS304 Stainless steel

Body material: SUS304 Stainless steel

Seal of cyclone/cγlinder: Silicone

Gas type: compressed air (for aqueous)

Dimensions: 800*600*900mm
Display: 7-lnch LCD display for Heat, Spray, Pump, Air pressure, de-blocker frequency  

Deblocking: Automatic


To safely spray dry inflammable solvents,

a new operating principle is employed which uses a combination of the Spray Dryer KLSD-500S and the Inert Loop to provide a closed loop circulation under inert conditions. The absence of oxygen prevents the formation of a ignitable mixture. At the same time, the solvent contained in the gas stream is cooled and consequently condensed. The regenerated flow is then returned again to the spray dryer.


Inert loop spray dryer features good safety and easy operations as it adopts closed cycle of nitrogen (or other inert gas), a safe gas, to keep the entire system in a closed state, and on-line monitoring of oxygen concentration such that the system would power off automatically and alarm when the oxygen concentration has reached 2.5% (which can be preset by the user as needed). The combination of closed nitrogen cycle and full solvent recovery allows treatment of flammable and toxic solvents and drying of readily oxidizable material. In addition, the low boiling points of organic solvents allow low temperature drying of the material subject to heat denaturation.


The Inert Loop is the perfect accessory to enable the Mini Spray Dryer KLSD-500S & Option device to handle organic solvents safely. Furthermore, it conserves resources and environment due to its functional principle.


• Enables Spray Dryers to work with organic solvents safely


• Explosion free Spray Drying due to inert gas atmosphere (N2)


• Prevent explosive conditions due to oxygen and pressure control


• Optional combination with KLSD-500S for mixtures of solvents and water

Solution to difficulty to dry organic solvents

While organic solvents are generally flammable and explosive, an explosion-proof, Inert loop spray dryer allows the materials to circulate in a closed drying system and prevents the organic solvent gas from coming in contact with the outside air, thus ensuring safe operations.


Solution to difficulty to dry oxidizable material


Taking advantage of the antioxidant property of inert gas, this technology allows the materials to be dried and transmitted in an antioxidant environment in the closed circulation system isolated from oxygen, which ensures quality of the drying process for readily oxidizable material.
Solution to toxic gases pollution from raw materials


While some materials or solvents may produce toxic gases when vaporized, an mini spray dryer with closed cycle of inert gas would keep these toxic gases in the closed system and allow them to be collected in subsequent processes, thus reducing environmental pollution, which is favorable for environmental protection.


The following solvents have been tested and can be used without reservation:















Controls & Functionality


KLSD-500S mini spray dryer is designed to ensure that all functions are simple to select and adjust, to quickly achieve the optimum conditions for spray drying. The operator can control the following functions:


Inlet Temperature


Gasflow Volume


Pump Speed


De-blocker Frequency


Easy to use


PLC automatic control, One-click boot.


Color Touch Screen, Fast setup and cleaning times


Scale up to pilot or industrial scale possible.


Visible process due to glass assembly


Adjustable particle size (1 – 25 microns)


Two Fluid Nozzle with SUS304,316L stainless steel


The stainless steel spray assembly consists of an inner tube for the liquid sample leading to a small diameter jet. An outer tube directs compressed air to the nozzle. All units are supplied with 0.7mm jets, other sizes are available as accessories. The spray assembly incorporates an automatic de-blocking device that prevents the jet nozzle from becoming blocked, the de-blocking needle is activated by an integral compressor. De-blocking is sometimes necessary with materials which may solidify or when large particles in suspension cause blockages in the jet.

Areas of application
KLSD-500S mini Spray dryer can be used in a wide range of applications where the production of a free-flowing powder sample is required. This technique has successfully processed materials in the following areas:
Beverages • Flavours & Colourings
Milk & Egg Products • Plant & Vegetable Extracts
Pharmaceuticals • Heat Sensitive Materials
Plastics • Polymers and Resins • Perfumes
Ceramics & Advanced Materials
Soaps & Detergents • Blood •
• Adhesives • Oxides •Textiles
Bones, Teeth & Tooth Amalgam and many others
Technical data:
Max capacity: 1500-2000ml/h
Temperature range of Inlet air: 40℃ -300℃
Temperature range of outlet air: 40℃ -120℃
Precision of temperature: ± 1 ℃
Dryer time: 1.0-1.5 S
Speed of squirt pump: 50-2000ml/h,
Consume of dryer air: 0-10m3 /h, max pressure: 686Pa
Consume of spray air: 0-4.2m3 /h,spray pressure: 2-5bar
Spray system: two liquid nozzle (0.5/0.7/0.75/1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5mm)
Spray direction: downwards co-current
Heater power: 3.5KW 220V
Dimensions:550 x 600 x 1480 ( mm ) L x W x H