수동캡슐충진기 0호&1호 수동캡슐충진기 KCN-100    
수동캡슐충진기 KSF-100 수동캡슐충진기 KPF-100 스텐 캡슐충진기KJS-55
자동배열및반자동캡슐충진기KLPF-300A/F 자동배열및반자동캡슐충진기KYP-400A/F 폴리싱기 KPM-4000
Automatic capsule Arranging & Semi-AutomaticFilling M/C
자동 캡슐배열및 반자동 캡슐충진기 KLPF-300A/ 300F
** 특징 **
자동캡슐배열기 KLPF-300A
- 자동으로 배열판에 배열하여 위생상의 문제와 배열판에 손으로 배열할 때의 시간의 낭비를 하지 않도록 디자인되었다.
- 크기는 00#부터 0, 1,2,3,4 ,5# 충진가능하고 크기변경시 별도의 부품세트를 구입하면 필요시 교환하여 사용할 수가 있다.
- 전자동방식이며 한번 작업시 30초에 300개를 자동으로 배열하며, 전혀 손이 캡슐에 닿지 않으며, GMP기준에 적합하다.
- 작동원리가 간단하여 고장이 거의 없다.
모델 명 KLPF-300A
1회/1일 배열량 300 캡슐/ 30초        
전력/ 전원 0.25Hp/ 220V/ 60Hz
중량 (kg) approx. 75Kg
규격 (Wx D x H) 630 x 430 x780mm

반자동캡슐충진기 KLPF-300F
- 1회 300개 포장할 수 있는 반자동캡슐충진기는 파우더나 과립등을 효율적으로 전력사용없이 수동으로 충진, 다짐을 하고 상하 캡슐을한번에 합체하여 밀봉한다.
- 1회 작업시 2분에서 3분정도 걸린다. (시간당 6900개 하루 8시간 작업시 55,000개 작업량)
- 자동캡슐배열기와 같이 사용하여야 편리하며 배열기 한 대에 충진기는 두 대가 생산효율면에서 이상적이다.
- 기계는 교환파트추가로 캡슐크기 대부분 충진할 수가 있다.
- 스텐레스제품이며, 전혀 손이 캡슐에 닿지 않으며, GMP기준에 적합하며 소규모 생산과 고가의 제품충진에 적합하다.

Model Type KLPF-300F
생산량/8시간 55,000~60,000개/8시간



충진갯수/1회 300개/1회
중량 (kg) approx. 40Kg
규격 (W x D x H) 405x 300 x 455 mm
Automatic Capsule Arranging Machine KLPF-300A
Characteristic: The equipment has been as ideal for medium/large scale pharmaceutical companies. The equipment is simple to operate it save time and labor. The automatic capsule loader is compact occupies minimum space; it gives higher production with much better standard of accuracy
Advantage:Loader automatically loads empty capsule in the loading plate for manually operated capsule filling machine, hence it take normally 5 minutes to load empty capsule in 300 holes loading plate manually, this machine cuts down that time to only 30 second. It supplied filled loading plates for 2-3 capsule filling machine. Thus increase the production on one hand and reduce the number of operator on other hand.
Production Output: Fill 300- holes plate in 30 seconds give an output of 36,000 capsule per/hour
The machine is manufactured to suit the following capsule size combination 00/0/1/2/3 or 4/5 

Automatic Capsule Loader is as ideal choice for medium & large scale pharmaceutical companies. This 300 Holes Automatic Capsule Loader uses to fill plates of Manual Capsule Filling Machine. The equipment is simple to operate and time & labor saver. The automatic capsule loader is compact occupies minimum space; it gives higher production with much better standard of accuracy.

Salient Features:
Low investment high output.
Significant difference in your production department. 
Simple to operate, can be handled by semi skilled person. 
No setting system for any change part. 
Machine stop automatically after loading is complete. 

Technical Specification
Power Specification0.25 H.P.
Electrical characteristics220 volts, Single phase 60 Hz
Overall dimension 
Length630 mm
Width430 mm
Height780 mm
Net weight75 kgs approx.
Gross Weight90 kgs approx.

Semi-Automatic Capsule Filling Machine KLPF-300F
Manual Capsule Filling Machine is compact & versatile model for the filling of hard gelatin capsules. Manual Capsule Filling Machine is uses in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, veterinary, biotech & allied industry. We are having two model in this machine, first is GMP model which is completely made from Stainless Steel and other is Standard model which also made from stainless steel except machine base which is made from hard chrome plated materials. 
GMP model made for the customer in pharmaceutical industry and Standard model made for the customer from Food, Cosmetic, Chemical & other industries other than pharmaceutical. This 300 Holes Manual Capsule Filling Machine is widely uses in laboratories, R&D labs, Research organizations and small scale manufacturing facilities. 
Apart from 300 Holes Manual Capsule Filling Machine, we also offer 100 Holes Manual Capsule Filling Machine. 


Production Output:55000 to 60000 capsules / 8 hour shift
Loading Plate:25 X 12 = 300 holes
Interchangeability:00/0/1/2/3/4/5 size capsules
Net Weight:40 kgs Approx.
Gross Weight:55 kgs. Approx.